Argentine ants are the most common ant in Southern California. This species of ant set foot in North America in the late 1890's as Brazilian coffee ships unloaded their cargo in Louisiana ports.
A single colony can contain as many as 10,000 female workers, and there may be hundreds of colonies around your home. These ants quickly overtake other species through their large numbers, commonly attacking wasp nests, bee hives and bird nests.
Argentine ants are well-known for their ability to move their colonies very quickly during changes in the environment. In wet weather, they will generally move their colonies into walls and under slabs, wasting no time in aggressively overwhelming and eventually destroying any other species they encounter.

Argentine ants are very adaptable and will nest in a variety of areas. Their diet is widely varied, and will most commonly consume sweets, greases, proteins and plant materials.

For more information on ants and other common pests, please contact us today.

Pest Control — Ants in Los Angeles, CA
Fleas are usually found on cats, dogs, carpets, furniture, dusty floors and sandy subfloor areas, and even grassy areas.

Each of the flea's six ligs has a pair of claws at the tip to enable them to remain attached the host regardless of scratching. The hind legs are well developed to facilitate jumping onto a passing host.
The female adult flea generally lays several hundred eggs during her lifetime; the eggs turn into white legless larvae which feed on food debris, human skin scales and undigested blood secreted by the adult fleas. It only takes weeks for a minor flea problem to become a disastrous infestation.

Most flea activity occurs in warmer weather, typically during the summer months. Cat and dog fleas are the most common species, and feed on the blood of mammals and birds. Fleas are fairly easily controlled, but the eggs they lay are more difficult to control, due to the fact that they can lie dormant for a long while before hatching.

For more information on fleas and other common pests, please contact us today.
General Pest Control — Fleas in Los Angeles, CA
Long bodied cellar spiders, commonly known as "daddy long legs," live in many places inside and out of the home. You will typically find them in your attics, under eaves, in porches, sheds and shrubbery. When alarmed, this spider shakes its web so rapidly that both spider and web appear as a blur. They feed on small insects, and their bite is harmless to man. However, due to its extensive webbing, pest control operators receive numerous requests for control.
Black widow spiders are found throughout North and South America, and are the most common in the Southwest United States. Their name derives from the female's tendency to eat the male after mating. Adult black widows are black with a red or reddish-orange hourglass shaped marking on its lower abdominal surface. The female is much larger than the male.

These spiders nest close to the ground, usually in dark, quiet, undisturbed places such as woodpiles and boxes. They feed primarily on other insects, thus making regular treatment of other insects absolutely necessary in minimizing black widow population.

A black widow's venom is a neurotoxin that may cause a severe reaction with intense local pain that spreads to other parts of the body. Most fatal cases, which result from respiratory paralysis, occur in children
Residential Pest Control — Spider in Los Angeles, CA
Rats and mice have always thrived within human settlements. Their presence has spread throughout the world, mostly on ships. During the middle ages, rats were responsible for the spread of bubonic plague. They found their way to North America by the end of the 18th century.
While rats are poor climbers, they are excellent at swimming and burrowing, and can commonly be found in the damp basements and sewers of most temperate zone cities. Rats are omnivorous, aggressive, intelligent, and adaptive. Females can produce about 8 litters each year, with up to 20 young per litter. Among human settlements, rats have few natural enemies and an abundant source of food.
The common house mouse can be found throughout the world. This pest builds its nest of whatever chewable materials are available, such as clothing and paper. Females can produce litters of 4 to 8 young every three weeks, and under favorable conditions, they will breed throughout the year.

Rats and mice invade and contaminate food supplies and cause widespread destruction in the home, as well as spreading human diseases. They typically enter homes for food, water, and shelter, especially during changes in weather. They can only be controlled through baiting, trapping, and exclusion (sealing points of entry).

For more information on rodents and other common pests, please contact us today.
Commercial Pest Control — Rodents in Los Angeles, CA
The name "earwig" originates from the superstition that earwigs crawl into the ears of sleeping persons and bore into the brain. Although earwigs appear somewhat dangerous due to their pincers, they are basically harmless to people. These pincers are used in capturing prey and mating. Earwigs vary in size from 1/2" to 1 inch, and are brown to black in color.
Earwigs have been known to cause damage to gardens and other cultivated plant life. Although they seldom establish themselves indoors, they are a nuisance when they migrate into houses

Usually found outside around the house, earwigs feed on plant material and other insects. These insects are most active at night, and tend to hide during the day in cracks and crevices. Due to their habit of hiding in dark places, earwigs are often transported in bundles of newspapers, packages, crates, lumber and other items, allowing them to inadvertently be brought indoors.

For more information on earwigs and other common pests, please contact us today.
Pest Control Company — Earwings in Los Angeles, CA
The Indian meal moth is the most common of pantry pests. It feeds on almost any kind of dried food, grains, flour and cornmeal. During the evening hours, they actively fly around in a zig-zag pattern, and tend to rest quietly during the day. The wings are bicolored, the tips being a copper brown, while the inner part is a lighter beige color.
The caterpillar stage is usually cream colored, sometimes with yellowish-green or pinkish shades, and has a dark brown head. Normally they stay associated with foods, but the full grown caterpillars, about 2/3 inch long, may be seen as they wander in search of a place to pupate.

The first stage of controlling this pest is to identify all potential sources of infestation in your home. Infested materials should be discarded, promptly used up, or treated with heat or cold to kill insects found in the food. A thorough clean-out of all food sources is critical to managing the Indian meal moth. To help prevent reinfestation, be sure to store your pantry items in insect resistant containers, or in the refrigerator if possible.

For more information on pantry pests and other common pests, please contact us today.

Industrial Pest Control Company — Pantry Pests in Los Angeles, CA
There are about 75,000 different species of wasp, but we know them best as hornets, yellowjackets, and paper wasps. Although they exist in a wide variety of different colors and shapes, wasps have smooth bodies and are about 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch long. They eat primarily spiders, and are social insects that live in a colony with one egg-producing queen.
Wasps have stingers which work similar to a hypodermic needle, and are capable of stinging repeatedly. Their venom causes the majority of the pain from a sting, as well as the ensuing irritation. Unfortunately for those who are allergic to such stings, wasps exist just about everywhere in the world.

Perhaps most familiar are paper wasps, which build their nests from a mixture of wood fibers and saliva, producing a paper-like shelter. These nests can often be found under the eaves of houses or under porch roofs

If you see a wasp's nest attached to your home, safe and timely removal is essential in preventing the colony from growing into a serious and dangerous nuisance.

For more information on wasps and other common pests, please contact us today.
Pest Control Service — Wasps in Los Angeles, CA
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